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Play Buddy Mentors


At Cantrell Primary and Nursery School, we are very proud of our amazing Play Buddy Mentors: Children from Year 6 who give up some of their lunchtimes to help the younger children to play games and get along with each other.

The Play Buddy mentors help make their playtime more enjoyable, and they make a big impact on the playgrounds at lunchtimes.  The Play Buddies are assigned a class and cover different days of the week. They are identifiable by the blue Cantrell lanyard, and we are in the process of purchasing a different colour fleece for them to wear!

The main aim is to help everyone have an enjoyable lunchtime. They can do this by:

  • Encouraging children to join in their games.
  • Being good role models to other children.
  • Listening and talking with other children in the playground.
  • Helping children to share and play fairly.